Custom Paint Mixes

Linkup Paint Supplies is proud to offer our custom paint mixing service to our customers.
We have access to all the major brand colours, including OEM car colours, RAL colours, rainbow colours, Fleet New Zealand and Fleet Australia colours, motorbike colours, and many more. Our paint technicians are skilled at getting nearly every single colour under the sun. The only limit is your imagination.
We can also mix up brush pots (touch up paint) and spray cans for touching up your vehicle, or 100ml to 20l+ mixes for bigger paint jobs.
If you're an existing account customer, our online ordering site will have your custom colour history available for re-ordering, and it even has a dedicated page for ordering any new custom colours.
Automotive Mixes

If you need a custom colour for your car, ute, motorbike, or any other vehicle, we can help, so contact us today for pricing and availability.
Our team has access to the ICRIS (Intelligent Colour Retrieval Information Service) system from Sherwin-Williams (previously Valspar) loaded with thousands of OEM car and motorbike colours.
We can even narrow down your colour by the make and year if you can't find the paint code (sorry, there isn't any system that allows us to find a colour by the number plate in New Zealand). Once we've narrowed down your colour, we even have thousands of colour chips in our colour boxes that we can check against your vehicle to make sure it's the right colour.
If you don't have a paint code or just want a specific colour, we have the three colour information map books from Sherwin-Williams, which include over 500 colours in each. The books are Solid Colours (book 1), Single Stage Metallic colours (book 2) and Base Coat Colours - Metallic and Effect (book 3).
Not in a massive rush? If we aren't able to identify the colour you're after in any of our systems, you have the option to leave a fuel cap, wing mirror, or any other panel from your car for our experienced team to colour match. There may be a delay in this service depending on how busy the team are that week.
Whether you need a small brush pot / touch-up paint, a couple of aerosols, or a few litres, we've got you covered. Our team are also more than happy to recommend what products you need for prep work, like what sandpaper and primer to use, all the way through to the clear coat and polishing tools you might want for that extra shine finish.
Industrial Mixes

If you need a custom colour for your fleet, digger, crane, or any other vehicle, we can help with these, so contact us today for pricing and availability.
Our team has access to the ICRIS (Intelligent Colour Retrieval Information Service) system from Sherwin-Williams (previously Valspar), which is loaded with thousands of Fleet New Zealand and Fleet Australia colours, RAL colours, Rainbow colours, and also custom colours that we've matched for customers in the past.
We also have access to the Wattyl Industrial Search system, which allows us to mix colours from the collective Wattyl database.
Our experienced team can also colour-match your existing colours for the best quality touch-ups / re-sprays. There may be a delay in this service depending on how busy the team are that week.
At Linkup, we can mix your protective coating and industrial colours in aerosols all to way to hundreds of litres in bulk for your job in enamel, lacquer, or high quality 2K paint.
If you're not sure what you need for your job, feel free to contact one of our reps, who will be more than happy to pop out to your worksite to give you the best advice for your requirements.
Decorative Mixes

If you need a colour for your house (interior and exterior), garage, shed, fence, roof, or any other decorative needs, we can help with this, so contact us today for pricing and availability.
Our team can mix your colour on-site from a range of brands, from OECE using the CorobWorld tint system and Cotec using the Synergy T3 system, plus many more.
Most of our suppliers also have a team of skilled chemists for the trickier colours, so have a chat with our decorative team about what option is best for you and your job.
Contact us today to order your paint!