Data Sheets

Are you looking for [Material] Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS) or Technical Data Sheets (TDS) for products purchased from Linkup Paint Supplies? Look no further!
We have thousands of products that require safety data sheets and technical data sheets. If you need data sheets for any products you've purchased from us, please get in touch with us at , and we'll get this sorted for you ASAP.
We are in the process of developing a site specifically for helping you search for your data sheets from us, and it will even help generate your Hazardous Substances Calculator Inventory. We will keep this page updated as that progresses.
Until we can get our dedicated site up and running, we recommend that you check out our Brands page and head to the suppliers' website for the most up to date data sheets direct from them.
Worksafe Hazardous Substances Toolbox
Are you looking for more information about working safely with hazardous substances? Worksafe has a great Hazardous Substances Toolbox which has been created to help businesses know how to work safely with hazardous substances. It offers some key health and safety principles and will help you to comply with your responsibilities. You can check it out at
Our Duty as a Supplier
Our duty as a supplier as outlined in the Hazardous Substances (Safety Data Sheets) Notice 2017 (30 June 2021) in Part B clause 6
- A supplier who supplies any quantity of a hazardous substance to a workplace must provide a safety data sheet that complies with this notice —
- when the hazardous substance is first supplied to the workplace; and
- if the safety data sheet for the hazardous substance is amended, when the hazardous substance is next supplied to the workplace; and
- upon request of any person in the workplace; and
- upon request of an emergency service worker for the purpose of dealing with an emergency event; or
- upon request of a medical practitioner for the purpose of dealing with an emergency event, or in relation to a notification under section 143 of the Act.
- If a supplier who supplies a hazardous substance to a workplace has not supplied that workplace with the hazardous substance in the past 5 years, the supply must be treated as the first supply.
- Subclause (1)(c) to (e) do not apply if the supplier has not supplied the hazardous substance to any person in the past 5 years.
- This clause does not apply to a supplier of a hazardous substance if the hazardous substance is a consumer product that is used in the workplace in quantities consistent with household use, and in a manner consistent with household use.
- In this clause consumer product means a hazardous substance that is packed or repacked primarily for use by a household consumer or for use in an office and —
- if packed or repacked primarily for use by a household consumer, is packed in a way and in a quantity in which it is intended to be used by the household consumer; and
- if packed or repacked primarily for use in an office, is packed in a way and in a quantity in which it is intended to be used for office use.
Guidance is now available on the EPA website on editing an overseas safety data sheet (SDS or MSDS) for use in New Zealand, and what information is required on the SDS. Read more in the link below.
Read the full EPA notice Read the EPA SDS Guidance Read about the HPC Notice